About Umbrelify


What is

Umbrelify is an app made to help all women around the world feel free and be able to go out without having to look over their shoulder every 2 seconds.

Made by women, for women.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower woman to live a life without fear, to be able to spread their wings without worry.

Our plan is to create an app that provides you with a sense of security by giving you the freedom to live your life to the fullest.

We will take care of all the technology and information to make sure you are secure and safe at all costs.

Our Goals

Our goal is to develop an app that will allow you to go out with your girls, on a date, or simply just walk about knowing someone is watching over you.

Our app will update you on any issues, you can personalise safe spots, alerts or even fake calls.

Our goal is to protect you while you go out without worrying, or watching over your shoulder.


Made by women, for women.

Umbrelify is an all women company.
We know and understand how hard it is to go out without planning every possible scenario, without knowing all the possible escape routes or excuses.

We want to make a change, and this is where we start.